Your Life your Masterpiece
Welcome to ‘Your Life Your Masterpiece’, a Book turned movement, calling this generation to ditch default and embrace intention to create a Masterpiece. This is not just another book or personal development initiative, it’s a global call to get intentional about every area of our lives, live out an authentically aligned life, which positions us to be living out our absolute best, living the life and purpose we were created for.
It’s a call to create with the paintbrush of intention, to re-align with the life you were created to live, to challenge what is to create something new. A call to get intentional about unlocking the fullness of every area of your existence, a challenge to ditch default and start creating a masterpiece.
It’s a lifelong call to create.

“Are you just ‘showing up’ in your life or are you taking an active role in guiding it to reach your full potential and achieve your dreams?”
Jason Harvey
Hi there, I’m

Lover of all things travel, stone walls and buildings, fireplaces, country towns, colors sage, coral and rust, good food & wine, friends + family, learning, living smarter & not harder, turning pain into gain, challenging things to create something new, intention & alignment, people, community, purpose and unlocking potential!

The Intentional Chain
Aligning Desires, Beliefs, Intentions & Actions
What is Intention?
Desires, beliefs, intentions and actions, will not on their own produce a result. It starts with desire, but if it’s not authentically aligned with your internal beliefs then you will struggle to move past your current positioning. Why? Because your belief or lack of belief in yourself or lack of alignment with the real you, will become a self-sabotage point that you won’t be able to move past. Getting intentional about the right things becomes the path of least resistance, not the hardest, which if you are like me, you may have traditionally walked.
When our beliefs align with clarity on who we truly are, why we are here, & where we are headed, we can then 100% confidently get intentional about taking action to align our current reality to our optimal (the way God created you!). Action, driven by desire, grounded in beliefs and powered by intention over a period of time will see significant shifts.
When everything is authentically aligned, you will find it much easier to achieve, uplevel and create that masterpiece of a life you really want.
Daily actions with clear intentions, begin to compound, become life-changing.
It’s how you CREATE a Masterpiece.
“Our intentions create our reality”.
Wayne Dyer
Food for Thought …
Pattern VS Fruit
Pattern VS Fruit I love chatting to younger people (including my kids) about some of the concepts i've previously written about and are continuing to unpack in my next Book, because it forces me to break them down even further to a place of simplicity. It's in the...
Your Best Life: A Re-alignment
Your Best Life - A re-alignment I truly believe that our best life, our best ‘Masterpiece’ starts with a journey of re-alignment to the life we were put here to live. It’s about working out how we can live the most authentic version of ourselves. The definition of...
The Power of Intention with Guest Louise VN Liebenberg
The Power of Intention - Choosing a Word for your year...Every year I choose words that relate to areas on which I want to focus. Call it a challenge or a ‘reminder to self’. You could even see it as another way of being intentional, of setting goals. Last year my...

#NEW Book Coming Soon
Postal Address
PO Box 514, Stirling, SA, 5155
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Some images on this website were taken by Nic Henry Jones at the Henry Jones Art Hotel in Hobart, Tasmania.

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Postal Address
PO Box 514, Stirling, SA, 5155
Follow Me
Some images on this website were taken by Nic Henry Jones at the Henry Jones Art Hotel in Hobart, Tasmania.
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