Your Life Your Masterpiece
Your Life Your Masterpiece is a call to create with the paintbrush of intention.
A call to re-align with the life you were created to live.
A call to challenge what is to create something new.
A call to get intentional about unlocking the fullness of every area of your existence.
A challenge to ditch default and start creating a masterpiece.
A call to thrive over survive.
A call to colour up your world, get clear on who you are, and why you are here.
It’s an opportunity for you to identify, re-define and live your best.
It’s a lifelong call to create.

The ‘Your Life Your Masterpiece’ Book has 12 chapters. An outline of what’s in the book can be found below.
CHAPTER 1: a life by design
Created as a Masterpiece
Life, is one big set of choices
Your Best Life – A re-alignment
Getting clear on who you are
Life still happens
Your life is your message to the world…
CHAPTER 2: Mess to Masterpiece
Your unlocked potential awaits you…
Feeling Powerless
That life changing moment…
Who am I and why am I here?
So grateful
Nothing is wasted
Pain into gain
The Power of Getting Intentional
Choose your Narrator
Be faithful with what’s in front of you
The best project you’ll ever work on, is you!
CHAPTER 3: Your Life Your Masterpiece
Your Life, your Masterpiece
What is a Masterpiece?
Cheese platters: My Masterpiece Analogy
The Process of a Masterpiece
A Work in progress and a Masterpiece
Embrace Change – change is power
Ditch New Year’s Resolutions – change habits instead
Powerlessness and Choice
Powerful people
The Compound Effect
Contentment + Happiness
There’s always a cost
CHAPTER 4: The Power of Intention
Intention is your power over emotion
Intention as positioning
What is Intention?
The Intentional Chain: Desires, beliefs, intentions and actions
Intention is everything
Setting intentions and following through
An Intentional Word
Strong positioning through the challenges
Intentional Learning is a lifestyle choice
Self-Awareness is a powerful tool
CHAPTER 5: Getting clear on who you are
Your Ideal Life
A Vision for your Masterpiece
Personal Vision
Identify what has you playing small
Your personal SWOT
Your Dreams
Your ‘why’
CHAPTER 6: Authenticity & Alignment
So what is this buzzword ‘Authenticity’ all about?
Definition of Authenticity
The Authentic person…
Unlocking the inner and the outer
Alignment & Stress
What do you need to work on?
Your Authenticity and others
Uplevelling your world through Authenticity
Aim for Personal Excellence, not perfection
Resist normal
CHAPTER 7: Thriving over surviving
Thriving over Surviving
Let’s talk Cheese Platters…
Creating Space, Preparation, Intention, Foundations, Balance, Beauty, Rest, Joy, Gratitude, Colour up, Change, Life’s Luxuries, Time + Focus
‘Cause I can’, is a good enough reason
Self care
Perfecting your Art
The habits we create to survive, don’t belong in our thrive
Learn to breathe again
CHAPTER 8: Know what fuels you
My life journey
Glorious Ruins
Transformation is positioning
Exceedingly above and beyond
Order and Choice
CHAPTER 9: A Purpose Driven Life
Passions and Purpose
Unlocking your passions
Your Ideal Life – honouring your Life Purpose
Purpose & passion driven careers
Your element
Fierce but Flexible
CHAPTER 10: The People Factor
The People Factor
Doing life with people
You teach people how to treat you
Reacting or responding
Glass jars
Don’t just be with the right people, be the right person too
Internal conflict
Intentional Relationships
A Culture of Honour
CHAPTER 11: Keeping your Masterpiece evolving
The tough
Put your focus on things you can change
Review, refocus, redirect, thrive
CHAPTER 13: We've got this!
The light at the end of the tunnel
You don’t know what you don’t know
Over to you!
CHAPTER 12: A Legacy for the next Generation
Create new norms, build into culture, create the future…
Building into Family Culture
What our kids needs for the future
CHAPTER 1: a life by design
Created as a Masterpiece
Life, is one big set of choices
Your Best Life – A re-alignment
Getting clear on who you are
Life still happens
Your life is your message to the world…
CHAPTER 2: Mess to Masterpiece
Your unlocked potential awaits you…
Feeling Powerless
That life changing moment…
Who am I and why am I here?
So grateful
Nothing is wasted
Pain into gain
The Power of Getting Intentional
Choose your Narrator
Be faithful with what’s in front of you
The best project you’ll ever work on, is you!
CHAPTER 3: Your Life Your Masterpiece
Your Life, your Masterpiece
What is a Masterpiece?
Cheese platters: My Masterpiece Analogy
The Process of a Masterpiece
A Work in progress and a Masterpiece
Embrace Change – change is power
Ditch New Year’s Resolutions – change habits instead
Powerlessness and Choice
Powerful people
The Compound Effect
Contentment + Happiness
There’s always a cost
CHAPTER 4: The Power of Intention
Intention is your power over emotion
Intention as positioning
What is Intention?
The Intentional Chain: Desires, beliefs, intentions and actions
Intention is everything
Setting intentions and following through
An Intentional Word
Strong positioning through the challenges
Intentional Learning is a lifestyle choice
Self-Awareness is a powerful tool
CHAPTER 5: Getting clear on who you are
Your Ideal Life
A Vision for your Masterpiece
Personal Vision
Identify what has you playing small
Your personal SWOT
Your Dreams
Your ‘why’
CHAPTER 6: Authenticity & Alignment
So what is this buzzword ‘Authenticity’ all about?
Definition of Authenticity
The Authentic person…
Unlocking the inner and the outer
Alignment & Stress
What do you need to work on?
Your Authenticity and others
Uplevelling your world through Authenticity
Aim for Personal Excellence, not perfection
Resist normal
CHAPTER 7: Thriving over surviving
Thriving over Surviving
Let’s talk Cheese Platters…
Creating Space, Preparation, Intention, Foundations, Balance, Beauty, Rest, Joy, Gratitude, Colour up, Change, Life’s Luxuries, Time + Focus
‘Cause I can’, is a good enough reason
Self care
Perfecting your Art
The habits we create to survive, don’t belong in our thrive
Learn to breathe again
CHAPTER 8: Know what fuels you
My life journey
Glorious Ruins
Transformation is positioning
Exceedingly above and beyond
Order and Choice
CHAPTER 9: A Purpose Driven Life
Passions and Purpose
Unlocking your passions
Your Ideal Life – honouring your Life Purpose
Purpose & passion driven careers
Your element
Fierce but Flexible
CHAPTER 10: The People Factor
The People Factor
Doing life with people
You teach people how to treat you
Reacting or responding
Glass jars
Don’t just be with the right people, be the right person too
Internal conflict
Intentional Relationships
A Culture of Honour
CHAPTER 11: Keeping your Masterpiece evolving
The tough
Put your focus on things you can change
Review, refocus, redirect, thrive
CHAPTER 12: A Legacy for the next Generation
Create new norms, build into culture, create the future…
Building into Family Culture
What our kids needs for the future
CHAPTER 13: We've got this!
The light at the end of the tunnel
You don’t know what you don’t know
Over to you!
“We’ve been given everything we need to live, thrive and be whole human beings. It’s up to us to use what we’ve been given, and pursue the complete unlocking of it”.
Nic Henry Jones
What helped you in your Survive, no longer serves you in your Thrive.
Thriving in Life & Business
Surviving is a somewhat default status. Thriving requires intentional effort and choice. Thriving means re-positioning what’s not working and re-aligning what is required to live our most authentic life.
We can get intentional about re-defining ourselves, carving new paths, adjusting, re-focusing and ditching the stuff that doesn’t serve us in this new season. We are living our best life when we embrace change, allow our existence to evolve and be totally OK with letting go of stuff that doesn’t belong on our journey from here onwards.
Here you will find some of my THRIVE presentations to inspire you onwards and upwards.
We will never stop working on our THRIVE!
“Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough and more. It turns denial into acceptance. Chaos to order. Confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast. A house into a home. A stranger into a friend”.
Melanie Beattie
Postal Address
PO Box 514, Stirling, SA, 5155
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Some images on this website were taken by Nic Henry Jones at the Henry Jones Art Hotel in Hobart, Tasmania.

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Postal Address
PO Box 514, Stirling, SA, 5155
Follow Me
Some images on this website were taken by Nic Henry Jones at the Henry Jones Art Hotel in Hobart, Tasmania.
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