The notion that we can ‘live’ a life by design can be a somewhat contradictory concept. If I’m honest, I’ve wrestled with this as I wrote ‘Your Life Your Masterpiece‘. I had to keep asking myself if what I was feeling led to write was on point or out of line. But as I sat with the core of the concept, the picture all started to fall into place and open up before me. 

Created as a Masterpiece

We all have different beliefs, some consciously, some sub-consciously. As a Christian, I believe that God created the world, created me and put me here for a purpose. He knit me together in the womb (Psalm 139:13-14), he knew what my purpose was, he knew what would light me up and he knew everything about me. He knew I would write books, be someone that would be brave enough to ‘challenge what was, to create something new’, that I would be ready to ‘unlock potential’ in many contexts. He knew what my life would look like, and what I would achieve, and what mistakes I would make, all before I even officially entered the world. He had a plan for me, and it was up to me to turn up the right person to unlock the fullness of this and continue to align myself with it. 

There’s no-one else out there, with exactly the same makeup, internally and externally, like you and I. There is no-one else that brings the same mix to the table that you and I do. There is no-one else that has the same mix of responsibilities and opportunities, we have been created intrinsically individual, with a unique mix of giftings, talents, passions, purpose, and natural likes and dislikes for certain things. We are all one-of-a-kind. 

God created you, uniquely, as a masterpiece. You have your own ‘outline’. There is no-one out there that looks exactly the same as you, feels exactly the same as you, has the same passions, purpose and opportunity, and intrinsic makeup that you do. God has created you to live in a world that he created. You are actually a puzzle piece in the greater puzzle of life. 

We’ve been given the foundation (the blank canvas), the outline of our existence (the complete package, all you are created to be), the paint (we’ve been given everything we need, even the guidance), and the free will and choice (the paintbrush, ‘to paint or not to paint’ is a key question), to create, to define, to unlock. The more we intentionally embrace all of these things and take action, the more colourful the painting becomes. The mistakes, the struggles, the hard things, the roadblocks, the challenges, become the brush strokes that add depth to our masterpiece of a life. As you look back on your life’s journey, you’ll notice that in the midst of the depth, there are silver linings, and gold threads, all working together for your good, helping you become who you are today and positioning you for your future.  

As we move through our lives, we learn that painting outside the ‘outline’, creates mis-alignment, stress and uncertainty. The picture won’t look the way we want it to, it will need work, a re-alignment of boundaries, a shift, change, intentional effort, learning from the chaos, surrending up a hell of a lot, a reminder and refocus on the overall picture, purpose and plan. Sometimes, painting outside the ‘outline’ is important for progress and growth. But as we intentionally re-align, it becomes part of the ever-growing picture, the masterpiece is enlarged, and all things are worked in together for our good. The masterpiece of a life continues to take shape. You grow into all that God has for you, as the years progress.  

So if God has everything sorted why do we need to put in the hard work and turn up to continue to create? God has created you as a whole being, with the gifts, talents and abilities to tap into what he has already laid out for you. We’ve been gifted free will to do whatever we want with our lives. Ironically, true freedom comes when we align with the God that created us, with his plans and his purposes for our lives, and when we realise we are always a work in progress.

God has given you everything you need to live a thriving and purpose driven life. It’s up to us to unlock the fullness of this.  

We were created to thrive, not just survive.  Our lives will always be a masterpiece, but it’s up to us to keep using what is in front of us, and keep painting, creating and coloring up our worlds.

Much love.
Nic Jones

You can read up on how working on my authenticity, unlocked my very best! –>